Left to Right) Anterior Morph; Anterior Morph after Photoshop; Lateral Morph; Lateral Morph after Photoshop
How-to For Photoshop:
- Clone Stamp Tool: This tool allows you to copy and paste. You can select a region to clone to another region by “Alt” and then by clicking on the region. Then, take the selected brush size and use the stamper to copy it to another region. This is really good for fixing ears that are covered by hair because it works between 2 pictures.
- Healing Brush Tool: This tool blends two regions together to remove blemishes. Select a reference point for the brush to heal with by “Alt” (much like the Clone Stamp Tool). Just rub the brush across the area that needs to be healed and the software will do the rest. This is really good for blending shadow imperfections.
- Brush Tool: This is just a paint brush. It allows you to paint a solid color.
- Eyedropper Tool: This allows you to select a specific color for the brush tool. You can select a color from the picture or click the color palate below to select a color.
- Crop Tool: This allows you to crop figures. Highlight the region you want to keep. “Right click” and select crop.
- Blur Tool: This blurs the regions together but takes patience. Just click and move the mouse over the area that needs blurring.
How-to For GIMP:
(Download for FREE at – Use gimp if you do not already have Photoshop installed on your computer)
Useful tools:
- Color Picker Tool (looks like eyedropper): To make the background all one color (blue), use the eyedropper to pick an appropriate color.
- Airbrush Tool (looks like a pen with black handle) : After you have the appropriate color from your color picker, use airbrush to fix blemished colors. To change the size of the tool, you have to alter the “brush” (circles) and “scale” (inc. and dec.).
- Smudge Tool (hand): Good for simple fixes, like Photoshop’s Blur tool.
- Zoom: Press “ctrl” zoom when you need to zoom out.
- Clone Tool (stamp) : Same alterations as Airbrush tool.
- Heal Tool (band-aids) : Use for smudging and blurring facial features.